we spent thanksgiving at the kirkman's place. unfortunately the rest of our t-giving pics didn't turn out! but here's the special dinner that dude and bella got!!
late afternoon we sat outside and drank wine. it was a bit cold, so terri bundled addie up in some winter clothes Grandma Pulliam gave her. later this evening, we found her trying to warm herself up with some uncut straight barrel bourbon.
well, addie didn't go trick-or-treating, but i did put her in the ladybug costume my sister used with audrey last year. addie didn't like it very much, and i pinched her with the zipper trying to get her out of it! it was awful--she screamed forever! otherwise, check out addie in the sky chair out back...she liked swinging in it while i gave her stupid looking faces!!!! also a pic of us at wente winery-she's soooo cute! addie also got her first cold/sniffles overnight. hope it goes away soon! later...........